Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Century Spa - the end of a boycot

When we last checked in about Century Spa, the Koreatown megaplex with incredible heat and a terrible cruising problem, I think we left it at a letter that read "If you don't deal with this problem I'm never coming back."

Well, that changed when Tom Hamling sent me a gift certificate to the joint. It looks like our July congress is not going to happen due to summer travel plans and this past Monday, I got then yen for some heat. So I grabbed my hat and hoped for the best.

The gift certificate was in Korean, but it looked like it entailed some service. When I arrived, the lady behind the desk said "Body Scrub or Massage." I chose body scrub. I was a little pressed for time, and that procedure took just 30 minutes. Also, I've never had one but have heard good reviews. The Russians do it, the Koreans do it. Now it was my turn.

I took some heat and talked to a one-armed black dude called Lorenza. He was in his late 60s, early 70s, and we formed a bond over the superior quality of heat in the Korean Mist Room. We talked heavy weight boxing and Dallas, Texas. I was off to a good start.

I was fetched by my body scrubber and taken to a back area of three tables. I was instructed to lay ass to the sky and was loofahed by the gentleman for some time. I was turned over and the procedure was repeated on my front.

Now, let's make it clear that I've always been comfortable with nudity. I went to a boys camp where you had to learn to deal with it. I'm glad I did. I'm fine with nudity.

That said, when I get a heat, I take a towel with me. I stay covered when I can, just out of both courtesy and simple modesty. There are gents who walk the grounds totally nude, and that's fine, but I like to play it different.

Now, I was lying totally naked on my back for an extended period of time with a Korean gentleman working me over with a loofah. I was out of my zone. So I came up with some mental images that helped me, and I'll share them with you now in case you ever find yourself in a similar situation.

I pretended I was an ancient warrior, and I pretended my body was a bit less than twice the size it actually is -- I was thinking I was about 9 feet tall, about 300 pounds of pure muscle. I also pretended the Korean gentleman was about half the size he actually was - maybe about 4 feet tall, and 65 pounds. He was working on me before an important battle, purifying my skin and my body before it was awash in blood and horror. This scenario was, of course, animated thusly:

This helped a lot.

Then he washed under my balls, and all I could think was "Wow. You can pay a Korean guy to wash under your balls." I thought about the guy and his family, I thought how his kids might think of him, how I would think of him if I were his kid. Work is work, but taint washing, even if it's only for a second, is a tough nut to swallow. This made me kind of sad, so I went back to the first scenario and felt much better.

I was released and told to sit in the heat for five minutes. We were at about 20 minutes, so I figured I was going to get a top coat and that would be that. But when I returned, I was coated in oil and given a half hour massage. It was a good massage, but again, when I was turned dick-up, I had to fashion my Spirited Away world, which took some energy. But a good massage none-the-less, a far cry from the Korean-lady-walking-on-your-back treatment that I've gotten at this place. When I was again released, an hour had passed and I was going to be well later getting home than I'd informed E.

When I was paying, I looked at the list of services and realized that Tom Hamling had been gifted "Body Scrub / Oil Massage." Neither the "/" nor the "oil" had translated. It had been a surprise, and I was okay with it.

In the end, I think Century is back on the table. You have to pick your times and your spots, but that Mist Room is too good to miss, and $20 is a deal. I'll probably flipflop on this later, but for now, count me in (occasionally).

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