Friday, January 29, 2010

Century Spa - you leave me no choice

It's been three weeks since I wrote them a scathing letter. I told them that if they responded to my requests, I'd keep the matter private and not call the health department.

They didn't. So here's the letter, and I'll let you know how my phone call to the health department goes.

Dear Manager of Century Spa,

I'm a five year visitor to your facilities, and I want to say first that how delighted I am with your refurbishment. I think the new facilities are some of the best in the city. And I should know – I write a popular blog called "Good Heat" ( wherein I review different spas and saunas around Los Angeles.

However, I'm DEEPLY disappointed in your lack of care for the health of your customers. You've allowed your spa to turn into, for all intents and purposes, a gay sex club. It was bad before your refurbishment, then it was a whole lot better, now it's worse than ever before. This is incredibly frustrating, disappointing and embarrassing for your customers who come to your spa to relax and unwind.

To be specific, here's what I've seen at your facility:

  • Excessive leering
  • Guys touching themselves in the showers and steam rooms
  • Guys touching each other in the clay room and the mugwart tub

I've heard that both oral and anal sex also take place at your facility, but thankfully, I've never had to witness this.

I'm not trying to be libelous. But if you're not aware of these things, you're turning a blind eye to a serious health code violation. And if you think it doesn't go on, log onto and search "Century Spa" in "All Personals." You'll see that guys advertise there every day to meet and have sex at your facility.

The second problem is that there's no one on staff that seems to be able to address this problem. Every time I come, I've been greeted at the front desk by a woman, all of whom are nice, but with none of whom I feel comfortable bringing up these concerns, due to a language and culture barrier. That's why I'm resorting to writing a letter. I can't take it any more, and I'm tired of having to leave the sauna when things get weird.

I direct a fair share of business your way, both through my blog and by bringing friends and family with me when I dare to go. I want to mention that this weekend I'm meeting with another sauna enthusiast to found the The Los Angeles Saunamens Association, a club that I think will garner an initial membership of about forty gentlemen. We would love to include your facilities on our list of places to visit, but you need to address the problem that you have with the gay sexual activity that takes place at your spa.

Here's some of the things that you need to do:

  • Post signs saying that leering or any sexual activity whatsoever will not be tolerated and police will be called if violations occur.
  • Have identifiable staff members working in noticeable places around the spa.
  • Eject patrons and call police when violations occur.

Please contact me and let me know how you intend to combat this problem. For now, I'll keep this matter private, but if you refuse to take action, I'll have no choice but to take this matter public and contact the health department.

I really enjoy your facilities and wish to be able to use them without concern for my health or worry that I'm going to be sexually harassed.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter,

Clay Allen

1 comment:

  1. absolutely I agree!!
    shame shame shame.
    shame on you century spa.
    and how embarrassing this is towards the korean community.
    as a female, I'm very upset about my boyfriend was seduced by a gay guy. he almost beat the shit out of him. please believe me because the next time he will. it will cause a big problem if continues because guys like my boyfriend will not take it or ignore it. so I did warn them.
    and as for me? I'm gonna let the city of LA (business dep) know that century spa is not doing anything about it. then, they better change their name to gay spa and stop misleading stright people like us.
    we sight people have sexual urges too but we don't do that in public places, so what gives them the right? oh, and lastly these guys are cowards plus shameful that's why they act suddenly stright when girls are near. I will definitely bring all the females here plus all the grandmas. kids will be great too, but they say no kids are allowed. weird. but anyways, undercover cop is a great idea too.
    well anyways, I'm very afraid my boyfriend will really hurt them next time if they try anything like that.
    he told me he will.
