Wednesday, January 20, 2010

If Your Heritage is Native American...

then your good heat comes from a sweat lodge. And I say balls to the recent tragedy in Arizona or New Mexico or wherever that was where a bunch of well intentioned people were mislead by a shyster who thought he could give a good heat.

The sweat lodge is a proud tradition. The Native Americans went deep on the heat, as well they should. Check out the beliefs of the Souix, who viewed heat thusly:

"... as representing the womb of Mother Earth, its darkness as human ignorance, the hot stones as the coming of life, and the hissing steam as the creative force of the universe being activated. The entrance faces east, source of life and power, dawn of wisdom, while the fire heating the rocks is the undying light of the world, eternity."

More heritage posts to come. This is who we are. Let's get into it.

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