Monday, February 8, 2010

The Health Department

I learned that "calling the health department" is really a euphemism for filling out an online complaint form. My complaint was "homosexual activity in a public place." See the full report below.

So far, all I've gotten is the auto-reply. When the human-reply comes in, you'll be updated.

Type of Incident: Other
Homosexual activity in a public place
Date of Incident: 01/10/2010
Location: Century Spa, 4120 W Olympic Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019
Description of Incident: Saw men masturbating each other in various parts of this spa. Complained to manager by letter, got no response. Returned, found nothing is being done to curb this activity and so had to leave. If you search on in "All Personals" for Century Spa, you'll find that men advertise for other men to meet them there for sex. I'm a paying customer who'd like to use the facilities without fear for my health.

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