Sunday, April 24, 2011

Minutes from the 9th Congress

1030 - CA & EH arrive at City Spa and learn that co-ed hours now begin at 2pm. This is deemed acceptable, but also kind of annoying. Mr Eric is recognized by Mario and is pleased, but can't resist trying to be called Helin. Mario takes no notice of this.

1040 - First circuits. The heat is good, and EH is finding that his four month absence from the hot room has lowered his tolerance, but only slightly. As promised, the contents of EH's earthquake kit are reviewed and found to be in good order. The only outstanding item is firepower, and great debate ensues over the merits of handguns, shotguns, nunchucks, close-combat and the reality of different disaster scenarios.

1050 - A dip in the pool and both men aren't yet ready to race. Taking this one slowly.

11 - A long, Finnish heat in which is discussed swamp coolers, the soaring price of window treatments, and the potential of a series of shorts penned by EH called "Notes for My Maid." CA attaches himself to the project.

1125 - The first and only race of the day. 50m breast stroke. Winner EH by an arm.

1135 - Conditions on the roof are observed and found to be pleasant enough for a short pre-lunch sun. The Enterprise Room at the Vegas Hilton is detailed. It's agreed that three balds licking some sort of tinctured serum off the backs of their hands is worthy of zooming the spy cams in on, but not worthy of action by the security guards. It's also agreed that the end of the American empire could be well established with a long camera pull starting at the steel, talking enterprise urinals, continuing through the Enterprise Room, the Hilton, the street, Las Vegas, and so on.

1150 - Another circuit. Clean, forgiving.

1230 - Rooftop lunch of sandwiches from the Mustard Seed and Arrogant Bastard beers. Full sun and a light breeze make conditions perfect. CA wonders how the transition from ed to co-ed will be made, propose an employee with vague and unpleasant hand gestures to come through saying, "Shorts, guys. Get em on. Don't have em? Gotta go." The voice is crucial to the impact of this character. CA details a horrible Craigslist advertising experience, but per his preference, finds a happy(ish) ending for the story.

115 - The last circuits taken. Finnish, pool, steam.

2 - Congress convened, considered extremely successful.

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