Sunday, March 28, 2010

Minutes from the Second Assembly

CA arrives at 10am. EH absent due to tax season.

CA completes full circuit, wonders where everyone is, contemplates many things, says hello to a Russian who shakes his head "Neit" in response.

JS arrives at 1130, bringing two civilians along with him. CA joins group for a circuit. Heat a big hit with civilians, JS shows guru in the pool, instructing his over-excited pupils to slow it down. Their later successes in the heat can be attributed to this sage advice.

Assembly on roof-deck at 1p. Chips, guacamole, Israeli couscous salad and Stone Pale Ale served. Weather, perfect. 80 degrees and sunny, saunamen wrapped head-to-toe in towels like Bedouins. JS forgets sunglasses, laments, but soldiers on undaunted. Debate ranges from automobile speakers to Israel to bicycle racing to laundromats to tax season to CB, who's good name is defiled. Long discussion about target shooting, clay pigeons and the like. A LASA excursion proposed.

CB arrives at 130p and is offered apologies for the defiling of his good name. CB goes for a circuit while the Roof Deck congress is completed and recessed.

Dangling feet in the hot tub times are enjoyed by the Saunamen, as civilians take another circuit. CB is confident in the preparation of his taxes, feels his accountant is a father-figure to him, but is not offered up for potential membership.

Entire group convenes in the steam. Civilians deeply impressed by the different levels of heat in steam room. CA wraps self in poncho and towels, lies down and falls asleep in corner, has short dream about Jessica Simpson.

On egress, Saunamen make note not to exchange money at the front desk at the risk of offending City Spa proprietor.

Second Assembly recessed at 245p.

JS, plus two civilians

Absent with cause

Absent with belligerence

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