Sunday, February 28, 2010

Minutes from the Inaugural Assembly

Meeting convened at 10 am. EH and CA first to arrive. Diesel smell noted outside City Spa. EH's broom negotiations go poorly, but no buyer's remorse noted.

CB second to arrive, purchases hat, very glad about it. Issued membership card.

First heat taken by CA, EH and CB.

TN and JS arrive next. A tour is given, the facilities are deemed acceptable.

Heats taken by CA, EH, JS, TN and and CB. EH makes first use of broom.

DN arrives wearing backpack. Given unofficial tour in said backpack.

First heats wrap up around 12, sun deck caucus convenes. Pita and hummous served.

At the caucus, debate begins about how LASA can open a heat establishment of its own. A build-out deemed impossible. The idea of acquiring one of the Korean baths is entered and seconded. CB worries about the implications of not having a Korean partner, claims to know the perfect Korean partner, becomes consumed with the particulars of the anticipated negotiations.

Second rounds of heat begin around 12:30.

TN begins to press the Bear for a plaitza, finally gets on some sort of list and is deemed "next."

CB begs off to fulfill moving duties.

JS declares the steam room his favorite for its curative abilities where his bronchial passages are concerned. In said steam room, DN volunteers to head up the Apparel Committee, whose first order of business is to commission a patch that can be sown on an existing or new sauna hat.

DN deems the Finnish sauna best suited to his needs, considers building one. The fate of Drinksies is considered. Though pressed, DN is not planning on removing any of the Tickle-Me-Elmos or the Walk-a-Baby bouncers from Drinksies anytime soon. EH is most enraged.

TN still waiting for plaitza.

12:45, luncheon convenes on the sun deck. Beet and Farro salad and Stone Pale Ales are served. Discussion includes growth (CB's member prospects must be heavily screened, no-show charter members to be reconsidered, TN's brother approved for membership; overall philosophy, grow smart, not fast). DN lucks into commissary services by CB's absence, but is unable to open his corked Lambic.

Rain pushes the luncheon inside, and TN and DN find excuse from the assembly (TN never gets his plaitza.)

JS turns the talk toward laundromat ownership, claims to read blogs on the subject, claims 50K annual profits can be made, that a 200K investment is needed, that you pay a man $900 a month to kep out the riff-raff. More ins and outs considered.

Third and last heats taken by JS, EH and CA.

LASA's Inaugural Assembly dismissed 2:30pm.


Absent with cause

Absent with belligerence

1 comment:

  1. If I were any more jealous of this sweat, my skin would be Hulk-green. I stand at the ready, however, to serve in some fashion on an Eastern exploratory committee.
