Friday, March 6, 2009

I Need a Heat

To the two people who have taken the time to say, "Yes, I like saunas and I will tolerate this gentlemen as he talks about them," I offer my apologies for the gap in posting. It's been too long. But I've been up to my ass in rattlesnakes over here with some other projects and there's just been no time whatsoever.

And you know what that means: it's time for a heat! I need to melt my stress away and return to the world refreshed and rejuvenated.

But how does one squeeze in a trip to the sauna when one has zero time? It isn't easy. These simple tricks may help us all:

Use the sauna at the gym
I don't go to a gym that has a sauna, but if I did, I would be sure to skip a workout and head straight for the sauna with my cap and broom. The sideways glances from the gym rats? Bah. I need a heat, I said!

Get up early and go before work
I have to be at work at 8am, but really that's no excuse. There are more than a few Korean baths that either open early or stay open all night. The Koreans know that when you need a heat, you need a heat!

Be satisfied with the 30 minute sauna
Once you go through the trouble of getting your gear together and going to a schvitz house, you want to stay for a couple hours. That's how you get your heat. But if you find a place like the Finland Baths where it only costs $10 to get in, taking a 20 minute heat and a shower will do the trick.

Have a sauna in your backyard
The dream is alive. I need to keep it alive, anyway. Goddamnit I want my own sauna so bad! Stupid not having money and the stupid economy and still have to pay my taxes and shoot these videos.... (did I mention that I need a heat?)

Apologize to everyone and everything and just go
Alright, I'll do it! Thanks, me! Maybe I can even go tonight! (My wife will kill me. It's Friday. Date-night.) Or tomorrow! (My mom's in town. Gotta hang with my mom. Love my mom.) Or Sunday? (See previous.) Monday, then. (When are you going to scout that location for the video you're shooting two weeks from today?) 

Piggy-back a heat onto something else
That location that I need to scout? Turns out it just might be somewhere near the Finland Baths... Oh Monday. I've never wanted you to come so soon!

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