Thursday, February 25, 2010

Apolo Ohno - Saunamen?

Watching the 500 meter races last night and thought I heard an MBC broadcaster mumble something about Apolo Ohno and saunas. I kept asking Elizabeth, "Did he just say saunas? Did he?" And she said, "I don't know." And I said, "I think he just said something about Apolo Ohno and saunas!"

Why didn't I just rewind it?! I don't know. Maybe I'll search through and see if I can find it again. But that seems like a hassle. An internet search reveals only one clue on Runner's World's site - an interview where he claims a good idea came to him while running (and not in the sauna). Which proves that he uses saunas, but suggests he doesn't get the most out of them?

Too many questions. I need answers. Maybe an exclusive interview is in order...

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