Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fighting Cruisers at Century - Last Resort

I've written a letter to the proprietors at Century Spa. I'm going to keep it private for now, though I suppose there's nothing in there that I haven't already said here. But still. I'll be sure to let you know how they respond.

It goes out today. Exciting? No. Not at all.

I'm just so tired of it. The sauna, the schvitz, the bania is a sacred place to me. And I'll forgive the occasional wandering eye of a gay dude. Kid in a candy store. I get it. But to have a really great facility that's ruined by with dudes on the make is just unacceptable. I won't stand for it.

And, as I said in the letter, if they don't take action, I'm calling the health department. It's a spa, not a sex club.

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